Sunday, March 01, 2009

Fada Moranga loves chicken!

Once upon a time there was a little boy who had a green dream.
In his dream there used to live a chicken.
A very big chicken!
He started drawing... trying to make this dream come true.
One day, the green chicken was born.
His beloved bird had taken on a face, a shape, a place and a function:
a rocking chair!

The Green Chicken by Jaime Hayon

Jaime Hayón is a Spanish artist-designer, born in Madrid in 1974.


Astrid Annabelle said...

Fada minha querida amiga!
I love "green dreams" and I'm almost traying to make my dreams come true!
Este post está uma graça!
Hoje (02/03/2009) é o aniversário do Raphael...poderia pensar em dar este presente para ele, afinal eu o ensinei a realizar sonhos...a sonhar verde...
Amei vir aqui...
Um beijo de parabéns por sua excelência.

Fada Moranga said...

Ola querida Astrid!
Muitos parabens ao Raphael!!! Esse menino deve ser parecido comigo... (16/7)
Claro que ele se da bem com a avozinha - eu tambem dava. :-)

Muito obrigada pelas suas palavras!
Beijos***de Fada para si e Raphael

sandra.d. said...

mia bella fada, your posts are great! this is awesome!
this artist have great skills and imagination, bravo for him, brava fada!

Fada Moranga said...

Hello bella Sandra!

How is life in Montenegro?

Thank you so much for your words. I found this artist's work in a magazine and fell in love with it - what an amazing talent!



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