Friday, April 11, 2008

Fada Moranga loves Miffy!

Miffy was created in 1955 by Dick Bruna

Miffy's original Dutch name is Nijntje [nɛɪ̯ncǝ] which stems from a toddler's pronunciation of the word "konijntje" meaning "little rabbit".

The other characters that appear in the books are her family: Miffy's parents, her Grandmother and Grandfather, Aunt Alice, and her Uncle Bob, who appears in Miffy Goes Flying. A new brother or sister for Miffy is introduced in Miffy And The New Baby. She also has many friends, Boris and Barbara Bear, who first appeared in 1989 and are boyfriend and girlfriend, Poppy Pig, who appeared in 1977, and her niece Grunty, Snuffy, who appeared in 1969, and other bunnies such as Aggie and Melanie. Miffy has been on TV with her friends since 2003.

Dick Bruna's books have now been translated into 40 different languages, and over 80 million copies have been sold all over the world. He has won many awards for his books and in his hometown, Utrecht, there is a square named after Nijntje, the Nijntjepleintje (lit: Nijntje Little Square, to retain the rhyme) and in 2006, the Centraal Museum opened a permanent exhibition, the "Dick Bruna Huis".

Official Miffy Shop

Personalised Miffy Book

In the Garden with Miffy

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