Sunday, February 08, 2009

Learning to be still - let’s Meditate!

Why is sitting and doing nothing the most difficult, mysterious, joyful, painful, profound, and life-changing thing we can do? Because it is the radical opposite of what we usually do to try to make ourselves happy.

Why stillness?

Stillness is the quiet place inside where the mind doesn’t interfere or confuse you.
Stillness offers a clear connection to your intuition
You know that you are never alone
Stillness allows big problems all of a sudden seem small
Stillness releases any stress and agitation
Simple solutions often arrive easily when resting in stillness
You feel connected to something greater than yourself when experiencing stillness
You nurture yourself and offer your body, mind and soul deep peaceful rest
You feel comfortable being alone with yourself for a while

How to introduce stillness to children in a simple yet fun way:

For children a simple guided meditation that they can relate too in a fun way and totally absorb their imagination into allows for all other things to fall away. They find themselves resting in stillness focused on the theme of the guided mediation. It may be I am calm, I am rested, I am patient, I sleep beautifully or I am safe.

Choose a meditation that appeals to their imagination:

Amy Hamilton’s Indigo Dreaming - Meditations for Children book or audio CD has 49 different meditation stories: Indigo Dreaming: Meditations for Children

Make it fun and short:

You imagine yourself sitting inside a pyramid. The air inside is warm you feel very calm and relaxed and there is no sound. You breathe in and out and feel the quiet in your body. Feel the quiet spread with each breathe until it fills the whole pyramid. It is serene and still. You say in my mind I am quiet ……. I am quiet………I am quiet.


Astrid Annabelle said...

Minha querida Fada!
Havia escrito um comentário tão bonito mas o Google entrou em erro e apagou tudo...
Escrevi o quanto este post está maravilhoso e que eu sempre sonhei com uma educação para as crianças dentro de uma nova consciência!
Olha!!!Parabéns!!!Isto tudo aqui está fantástico...
Um beijo grande

Anonymous said...

Its really true what you say, most people would think that sitting about concentrating on just one thing, like your breath, would be very easy. If only it were..

Maria Paula Ribeiro said...


5 estrelas! :-)
As coisas que tu também ensinas.

Beijos**** de Vet!

Fada Moranga said...

Querida Astrid!

Acredita que me fartei de pensar em si enquanto preparava este post? Comecei a introduzir estes conteudos ha pouco tempo e nem sempre se encontra material adequado a criancas. Ha muito por fazer! A Astrid faz para os grandes e eu para menos grandes :-)
Mas eh tao parecido! Tem-me inspirado muito tambem. Obrigada!!!
Um grande beijo*de Fada

PS: Tambem ja me aconteceu perder comentarios - experimente fazer sempre copy/paste

Fada Moranga said...

Oh Maria Paula, rica Doutoura!

Vou-me formando, formando... :-)) Devagarinho se vai construindo patrimonio bonito.

Bem hajas!
Um grande beijo*de Fada


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