Sunday, March 29, 2009

Dear Postman Pat!

Postman Pat is one of the most popular children’s tv series ever. It was created by John Cunliffe in 1981 and is set in a fictitious British village called Greendale in Cumbria. The show follows the adventures of Pat Clifton, a postman who has a heart of gold. Pat is followed everywhere by his pet cat, Jess who is famously referred to as the black and white cat in the theme music.

Postman Pat initially concentrates on delivering his Royal Mail letters through the valley of Greendale, but he often becomes distracted by some issue involving one of the villagers and is relied upon to resolve their problems. In the end he manages to provide the best quality postal service.

Postman Pat portrays a gentle world, illustrating the life of a close-knit village community where family and strong values are important. Many new characters have joined the series since it began, including Postman Pat's wife, Sara, and his son, Julian. The action has also moved beyond Mrs Goggins and the Greendale Post Office, as there is also a local train station run by Ajay Bains and his family, and a vintage steam train called the Greendale Rocket, which travels into the neighbouring town of Pencaster.

Since 2008, Postman Pat joined the Special Delivery Service in Pencaster where he has helicopters and parachutes at his disposal as well as his trusty red van!

click to watch the video and sing-along

Postman Pat. Postman Pat. Postman Pat and his black and white cat.
Early in the morning, just as day is dawning, he picks up all the post bags in his van.
Postman Pat. Postman Pat. Postman Pat and his black and white cat.
All the birds are singing, and the day is just beginning.
Pat feels he's a really happy man.
Everybody knows his bright red van, all his friends will smile as he waves to greet them,
Maybe, you can never be sure, there'll be knock (knock knock)
Ring (ring ring). Letters through your door. (Hee Hee).
Postman Pat. Postman Pat. Postman Pat and his black and white cat.
All the birds are singing, and the day is just beginning.
Pat feels he's a really happy man.

John Cunliffe, author of Postman Pat stories

Postman Pat and his cat Jess welcomed customers into a post office



Astrid Annabelle said...

Eu adorei esta história e seus personagens..muito lindo!
Parabéns por seu bom gosto!
Beijo e um excelente domingo de Sol!

princesaesquimo said...

Olá Fada

Sou completamente fã do Carteiro Paulo. Eu é que o impingi à minha filhota e ela também adora. Farto-me de cantar a música e fico deliciada com aqueles pormenores, aquela vila, maravilhoso!

Beijinhos e boa semana

Fada Moranga said...

Querida Astrid, ainda bem que gostou! Fiz para nos, criancas :-) Este carteiro eh maravilhoso!!!
Obrigada pela Luz, e inspiracao.

Beijos***de Fada

Fada Moranga said...

Ola Patricia!
Tambem adoro este carteiro. Andava ja a planear isto ha meses. Tinha alguns videos lindos guardados no YouTube mas ficaram indisponiveis :-( Foi o que se arranjou. Mas no site oficial ha la videos e jogos! :-)))

Diverte-te com a tua princesa!
Beijos***de Fada

Christy Amular said...

I love Postman Pat! Thanks for this wonderful post!

sandra.d. said...

mia bella fadamoranga, i adore your beautiful blog, it's amazing, and it is really goal for me!
as i have a little art school for the children from 4 to 9 years old, every day i try to find more and more good links and recommendations for our projects. u have all in your great blog and thank u!

unfortunately, we, as i remember, here in this part of europe, didn't have this sweet serial about postman pat. but, who knows, maybe he will come to us this days! ;]]]

Fada Moranga said...

Hello Christy! I love Postman Pat too. Thank you so much for visiting my pink home, you are always welcome! :-)***

Fada Moranga said...

Hello dear Sandra!! So nice to hear from you!
I am so happy that you find my blog useful for your children :-) That was what I wanted, that parents, teachers, kids, could learn and have fun. I do! Thank you so much for telling me this, I will try to post nice things for your children :-)

And I hope Postman Pat comes to your country!
Lots of Love***


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